Blood RNA stabilizer is designed to stabilize and preserve intracellular mRNA in peripheral blood or bone marrow samples during transportation or long-term storage of biomaterials for subsequent molecular biology assays. The reagent contains chemical substances which prevent mRNA decay, thus keeping expression levels of the target genes as close as possible to those in native biosamples. The Blood RNA stabilizer is compatible with TriZ reagent usage for subsequent RNA isolation.
To preserve RNA in solid tissue samples, the Tissue RNA Stabilizer is recommended.
Storage and transportation time of blood and bone marrow samples preserved with Blood RNA Stabilizer:
- Room temperature (from 18 to 25 C) - 3 days
- Storage in the refrigerator (from 2oC to 8oC) - 5 days
- Frozen state (-20 oC to -70oC) - up to 8 years
Testing data of RNA isolation kits preserved with Blood RNA stabilizer (Inogene)
Ordering information:
- Blood RNA stabilizer, 100 ml. IG-RSB-100
- Blood RNA stabilizer, 250 ml IG-RSB-250
- Blood RNA stabilizer tube (x25) IG-RSB-PBT25
- Bone marrow RNA stabilizer tube (x25) IG-RSB-BMT25
Additiional reagents:
TriZ reagent RNA Kit, 100 ext. IG-TRK-100
Price: on request
Reagents are for research use only (RUO)
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